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- MFoF in English
Providing knowledge and tools for family matters
- with focus on the child's best interest.

MFoF - The Family Law and Parental Support Authority - is a central government agency that provides knowledge to ensure that all children have a secure upbringing and good relationships with their parents.
MFoF is the knowledge authority for parental support, family counseling, and family law matters of social services. We also work to ensure that adoptions to Sweden are performed in a legal and ethically acceptable manner.
MFoF's primary target groups are professionals and decision-makers in municipalities, regions, and civil society, as well as, increasingly, families and individuals. The entire agency's activities are guided by children's rights as expressed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Child Convention). The agency also works for gender equality and equal parenting..
MFoF operational areas
Family Law
MFoF supports and guides the country's family courts. We work with general advice and regulations on paternity and parenthood, custody, residence, and contact, information meetings, the municipalities' handling of international adoptions, and the social welfare committee's investigation of child custody in certain cases.
Family Counseling
Family counseling services in Sweden's municipalities offer support and help with relationship problems, focusing on couples' and individuals' close relationships and life situations. MFoF analyses, develops, and guides the municipalities' family counseling services.
Parenting support
MFoF publicises knowledge to professionals about interventions, activities, and initiatives that enhance parenting abilities. This involves providing information to adults in a parenting role about children's rights, health, and development, or strengthening parents' relationships with each other or their repective social networks.
International adoption
MFoF authorises and supervises the Swedish adoption organisations to ensure that adoptions of children to Sweden are in accordance with law and are performed in an ethically acceptable manner. We also assess cases of single adoptions and provide support on adoption matters to adoptees, prospective adoptive parents, and professionals working with adoption issues in Sweden. In addition, MFoF offers support to internationally adopted individuals in connection with searches for their origins.
Operational support
The operational support of MFoF focuses on sustainable management and possesses specialised expertise that helps the authority carry out its missions efficiently and with high quality. This includes registry and archives, coordinating procurement and contracts, efforts and support in monitoring developments within the authority's area of responsibility and communicating the authority's work and knowledge
In addition, The Family Law and Parental Support Authority (MFoF) has been tasked by the Government to be responsible for the official statistics within Family Law and Family Councelling Services. Sweden’s Official Statistics (SOS) are statistics that are particularly important for describing Sweden. Official statistics contribute to the development of our society by being objective and relevant, which benefits citizens. As a government agency responsible for statistics, we are responsible for ensuring that
- the statistics are objective;
- the statistics are documented; and
- the statistics are accompanied by a quality declaration
The Family Law and Parental Support Authority is organised under the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Director General Per Bergling leads the authority, together with his management team. The authority has also an advisory council.
The operations are diveded into three departements:
- Knowledge (with family law, family counceling and parenting support)
- Decisions and supervisions (international adoption) and
- Operational support

Contact information
Phone: +46 10-190 11 00
Email: info@mfof.se
Visit address:
Nygatan 40B
931 31 Skellefteå
Postal address
Box 35
931 21 Skellefteå
Adress for larger parcels
Nygatan 40B
931 31 Skellefteå
Ledning och verksamhetsstöd
Per Sundberg
Kommunikationsstrateg (press- och mediakontakt)
Telefon: 010-190 10 89
E-post: per.sundberg@mfof.se
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